

TenFu's TEA Official Tea Shop-Loose Leaf, Tea Bag, Teaware

天福茗茶 茉莉花茶 茶叶 广西贵港特产茉莉花草茶 100克

100 g | $18.99

-We scent fragrant, smooth green tea leaves 5 times with night-blooming jasmine to make this delicate tea.
-Combining the antioxidant power of green tea with the good mood enhancing properties of jasmine.
-Delight to look at, full of floral and sweet aromas.
-Enjoy our tea hot or iced, or use it to infuse sauces, syrups and baked goods!

天福茗茶 茉莉花茶 袋装 广西特产窨制茉莉花茶 200G装经济实惠茶

Large size for daily tea drinking

200 g | $23.99

-We scent fragrant, smooth green tea leaves 5 times with night-blooming jasmine to make this delicate tea.
-Combining the antioxidant power of green tea with the good mood enhancing properties of jasmine.
-Delight to look at, full of floral and sweet aromas.
-Enjoy our tea hot or iced, or use it to infuse sauces, syrups and baked goods!

天福茗茶 毛峰茶叶 新茶 绿茶实惠装150g袋装

Fresh and sweet 、Mellow、Smooth

150 g | $19.49

Finest quality – Made of 100% whole loose tea leaves cultivated from single origins.
Delicious and healthy - Made without artificial ingredients,natural antioxidants.
Great-tasting with a fresh flavor, smooth taste and enticing aroma.Enjoy it as traditional hot tea or iced tea. Packed with aluminum foil lining to maintain freshness

天福茗茶 茉莉花茶四川花草茶 绿茶春茶窨制鲜灵甘润盒装下午茶

Essence of 1,400 jasmine blossoms

250 g | $42.99

-We scent fragrant, smooth green tea leaves 5 times with night-blooming jasmine to make this delicate tea.
-Combining the antioxidant power of green tea with the good mood enhancing properties of jasmine.
-Delight to look at, full of floral and sweet aromas.
-Enjoy our tea hot or iced, or use it to infuse sauces, syrups and baked goods!

天福茗茶 冻顶乌龙茶台湾高山茶 正宗清香型茶叶台茶150g

Taiwan TenRen origin,entry-level for daily drink

150 g | $31.99

Taiwan Dong Ding Oolong,as well known as Tung Ting,comes from Lugu Township, Nantou , Taiwan and the hilly estate near Tung Ting Mountain above 600-800 meters.Harvested by hand and processed at dawn to ensure the freshness of tender buds.Light roasted degree endows its freshness and sweetness.

天福茗茶 铁观音浓香型炭焙安溪茶叶铁观音 茶叶乌龙茶180克

Fruity and floral,ideal for coffee lover

180 g | $24.99

The most traditional and powerful tieh kwan yin.Roasted over a fire made of charcoal.Deep caramel, mature fruit, iconic orchid flowers, and layers of baked woodsy aroma.If you're a coffee fan looking to get into tea, they're a great place to start.

天福茗茶 铁观音 安溪茶叶铁观音 清香型乌龙茶 180克

Pleasant notes of orchid flowers

180 g | $24.99

Like green tea, it taste fresh and bright, with vegetal and sunny-sweet flavors. But a kick of roast brings out more floral characteristics, a rich, buttery body that lingers on your palate, and a rounded, airy quality more complex than typical green.
The most popular flavor,perfect for new to Tieh Kwan Yin.

天福茗茶茉莉花茶 飘雪茉莉花茶新茶浓香型四川特产茶叶120g

Soothing and sweet, refreshing & long lasting

120 g | $76.99

-We scent fragrant, smooth green tea leaves 5 times with night-blooming jasmine to make this delicate tea.
-Combining the antioxidant power of green tea with the good mood enhancing properties of jasmine.
-Delight to look at, full of floral and sweet aromas.
-Enjoy our tea hot or iced, or use it to infuse sauces, syrups and baked goods!

天福茗茶 大红袍茶叶 武夷岩茶 正宗原产乌龙茶礼盒装150g

Warm roasted aroma, floral and fruity

150 g | $28.99

Wuyi Mountain is one of the most famous tea production area that boasts premium oolong tea and black tea. The high-quality oolong tea produced from the Camellia sinensis tea plants that adapted to the rocky cliffs.Half-oxidized for a sweet,warm and rich taste,the characteristic mineral-rich flavor mellow into deep nuances of fruit or floral tones over time.Each steep palate produces a slightly different taste.

天福茗茶茶叶铁观音 安溪茶叶铁观音 新茶乌龙茶礼盒装180g

Well-balanced roast and floral flavor

180 g | $24.99

A well-balanced cup.The more heavily roast develops more warm spice notes.You'll notice accents of honey, toasted grain, but with a more woodsy character.

天福茗茶 大麦茶 麦香红茶 大麦风味 大麦茶叶 250g盒装

250 g | $13.99

选择中国东北丰满的大麦和优质的福建红茶,完美结合了大麦的甜烤香和浓郁的红茶香气,带来和谐与温暖。 味道甜,光滑香气烤大麦香味与花卉红茶的味道  

天福茗茶 六安瓜片毛峰片茶 安徽绿茶 罐装简装70G

No code required,Brisk nutty aromas, strong and thick taste

低至 $17.99

Finest quality – Made of 100% whole loose tea leaves cultivated from single origins.
Delicious and healthy - Made without artificial ingredients,natural antioxidants.
Great-tasting with a fresh flavor, smooth taste and enticing aroma.Enjoy it as traditional hot tea or iced tea. Packed with aluminum foil lining to maintain freshness

天福茗茶 茉莉花茶珍珠 广西鲜花窨制花草茶 工艺茶罐装

低至 $32.99


天福茗茶 铁观音茶叶 安溪茶叶铁观音乌龙茶 250g 新茶

Good tea for the price point

250 g | $17.88

-Guaranteed pure:made with 100% whole loose leaf teas from self-owned tea gardens,so you can enjoy an all-natural cup
— something you can’t find in other off-tasting, chemical-filled oolong teas.
-Semi-fermented, combining the qualities of black (richer taste) and green (antioxidants benefits) teas.
-Toasted aroma with a sweet, strong, grain aftertaste.

品尝我们中国各地茶园不同口味的优质散叶茶。 非常适合补充散叶茶罐。
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