

TenFu's TEA Official Tea Shop-Loose Leaf, Tea Bag, Teaware

Taiwan High mountain tea Light fermented oolong tea 50g

50 g | $56.51

This tea is produced in Wenshan Tea Area of Taiwan Province, 400-700 meters above sea level.   Because of the beautiful mountains and water, the climate of this tea area...

Yunnan Raw Pu-erh Tea Bingdao Dragon Ball

63 g | $63.89

-Pick the mature leaves of the natural ancient tea trees area of ​Yunnan
-Subtle and savory.Mellow and smooth,sweeteness in aftertaste
-Long-lasting aroma and taste

Baifu Fujian Mount Wuyi Zhengshan Black Tea 150g

Chinese classical design,sweet,mellow

150 g | $35.99

30 packs in one can, making it more convenient to carry.Refined through traditional techniques combined with modern scientific tea making techniques; The tea leaves are slender and tight with sharp...

Baifu Yunnan Big Leaf Seed Aged Pu'er 200g

Subtle and savory.Mellow and smooth,

200 g | $35.99

Pu'er tea is one of the ancient tea varieties. Pu'er tea is produced in various tea areas in Yunnan Province, China, with an altitude of more than 1800 meters. The...

Combination of Tieguanyin or Longjing With Travel Cup with Filter

低至 $18.99

- Great-tasting with a fresh flavor, smooth taste and enticing aroma.Enjoy it as traditional hot tea or iced tea.-soft and mellow sweet flavor without any trace of bitterness.- tieh kwan...

Combination of green tea or jasmine tea and travel cup with filter

低至 $17.99

-Early spring ultra-fresh green tea with premium jasmine flowers.-Take about 3 grams of ea at a time and put it into a cup filter to get a delicious drink-This classic...

Guangxi Jasmine tea Tasting Pack 30g

30 g | $18.99$16.14

-Early spring ultra-fresh green tea with premium jasmine flowers.-We scent fragrant, smooth green tea leaves 5 times with night-blooming jasmine to make this delicate tea.

Wuyishan tea cans-Premium Lapsang Souchong Black Tea

Sweet and smooth,no astringency

200 g | $55.49

Authentic Wuyi black tea is “Lapsang Souchong”. Lapsang souchong is a black tea from the Wuyi region of the Chinese province of Fujian. Its origin is at Tongmuguan Jiangdun and...

天福茗茶 陈年普洱茶 普洱熟茶 云南纯芽料 茶叶罐装

Smooth taste, deep taste, woody nut aroma

250 g | $56.99

-Aged pu-erh tea boasts a deep bold body that is smooth & earthy with hints of malt.
-Morning afternoon or evening-it's always a perfect time to savor a cup of this richly flavored, aromatic, energizing tea.
-Enjoy it as a coffee alternative or as your tea time cupper with or without honey and milk.

天福茗茶 普洱茶 云南普洱熟茶 纯芽料陈年熟茶 罐装散茶叶

Subtle and savory.Mellow and smooth,

250 g | $33.99

-Aged pu-erh tea boasts a deep bold body that is smooth & earthy with hints of malt.
-Morning afternoon or evening-it's always a perfect time to savor a cup of this richly flavored, aromatic, energizing tea.
-Enjoy it as a coffee alternative or as your tea time cupper with or without honey and milk.

天福茗茶 普洱茶 熟茶醇厚陈香春芽 正宗云南特产茶叶

First flush.Mellow and smooth,sweeteness in aftertaste

250 g | $21.99

-Aged pu-erh tea boasts a deep bold body that is smooth & earthy with hints of malt.
-Morning afternoon or evening-it's always a perfect time to savor a cup of this richly flavored, aromatic, energizing tea.
-Enjoy it as a coffee alternative or as your tea time cupper with or without honey and milk.

天福茗茶 白毫银针福鼎原产白茶特级散装茶叶罐装50克

soft taste and refreshing aroma

45 g | $89.99

-This beautifully white tea consisting of fatty buds from the Fuding ‘bai cha’cultivar.
-The flavor and fragrance is delicate,light,fresh,and sweet.
-It is fleshy, bright colored and covered with tiny white hairs.

天福茗茶 贡眉白茶 正宗白茶鲜叶 家居办公旅行茶品

First flush.Sweet and smooth,no astringency

100 g | $17.99

-soft and mellow sweet flavor without any trace of bitterness.
-This is composed of tender tea a precious white tea,and is processed by a traditional technique.
-Production comes from authentic Fuding white tea

天福茗茶 正宗云南工夫红茶大叶种高山红茶 滇红100g

Soft and smooth with fresh sweetness

80 g | $27.99

Distinctive from small-leaf black teas,Yunnan Dian Hong Black tea selects big tea leaf with golden hairs.So it taste richer and bolder than other black teas.It has an floral,honey aroma with a slight toasted character.Its after-taste is highly enjoyable and long-lasting.

天福茗茶金骏眉红茶 武夷正山红茶罐装茶叶150g

Sweet and mellow

150 g | $48.49

This premium Chinese black tea gets its name because of the delicate and tender tea leaves with a hint of golden color resemble eyebrows. They are preciously picked : 10 thousands tea tips can just make 500 grams finised tea.
It's complex yet very balanced: smooth, sweet,malty, followed by an aftertaste that reveals the fine bud quality of the tea through a fruity scent of oranges.

天福茗茶福建福鼎茶饼礼袋装太姥山 日晒白茶8饼装 贡眉白茶茶礼

Collectible set,perfect for self-drinking and gift

800 g | $63.99

-Made of young tea leaves and silvery unopened leaf buds from the Fujian province, China.
-Natural Antioxidants,Practically Calorie-free.
-The least processed of teas.Light, calming infusion with floral notes and delicate hints of peach.
-When stored properly, aged white tea will features fresh floral bouquet of roses and orchids, hint of ripe peach

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