

TenFu's TEA Official Tea Shop-Loose Leaf, Tea Bag, Teaware

天福茗茶 安溪茶叶铁观音 悠然 清香型乌龙茶

14-year brand star,sold over 4 million

104.5 g | $31.99

This premium anxi tieh kwan yin was launched in 2006, and has been highly sought after for 15 years. Tea leaves are picked in the birth place of tieh kwan yin - Anxi couty.After light roastery,the tea are packed with a delightful orchid aroma with a clean,sweet taste.

天福茗茶 浓香型茉莉花茶 罐装散装茶叶绣球龙珠

Jasmine scented, well-balanced Jasmine taste

200 g | $41.99

-Early spring ultra-fresh green tea with premium jasmine flowers.
-Hand-rolled tender green tea leaves, and blended with 1,600 fragrant jasmine flowers. Over the course of a night, the flowers open and release their aroma into the tea, flavoring it and giving it the heady scent associated with the tea.
-Enjoy our tea hot or iced, or use it to infuse sauces, syrups and baked goods!

天福茗茶 有情正山红茶 正宗武夷山小叶种红茶 100克装

Mellow and rich taste, with undertones of chocolate

100 g | $28.99

Lapsang Souchong is one of the most well-known Chinese black teas among world’s black teas from the vigorous mountain of Wuyi in Fujian. Dried longan or lychee sweet fruit taste in early infusions. Malt base flavor and cocoa with lingering fruit sweetness. Beautiful liquor color between burgundy and chardonnay. A must try Chinese black Tea.

天福茗茶 茉莉花茶四川花草茶 绿茶春茶窨制鲜灵甘润盒装下午茶

Essence of 1,400 jasmine blossoms

250 g | $42.99

-We scent fragrant, smooth green tea leaves 5 times with night-blooming jasmine to make this delicate tea.
-Combining the antioxidant power of green tea with the good mood enhancing properties of jasmine.
-Delight to look at, full of floral and sweet aromas.
-Enjoy our tea hot or iced, or use it to infuse sauces, syrups and baked goods!

天福茗茶 白毫茉莉花茶 花茶 花草茶 150G

1 catty tea made of about 4000 flowers

150 g | $29.99

-We scent fragrant, smooth green tea leaves 5 times with night-blooming jasmine to make this delicate tea.
-Combining the antioxidant power of green tea with the good mood enhancing properties of jasmine.
-Delight to look at, full of floral and sweet aromas.
-Enjoy our tea hot or iced, or use it to infuse sauces, syrups and baked goods!

天福茗茶 悠然福鼎白牡丹白茶 散装罐装茶叶80g

Mellow and smooth,sweet in after taste

80 g | $31.99

-from Fuding: one of the first early Bai Mu Dan teaproduction
-soft and mellow sweet flavor without any trace of bitterness.
-It is pure tea, dried naturally, without any processing

天福茗茶 普洱茶熟茶 云南大叶七子饼 陈年普洱

Yunnan ancient wild tree,weight control

327 g | $21.99

-Aged pu-erh tea boasts a deep bold body that is smooth & earthy with hints of malt.
-Morning afternoon or evening-it's always a perfect time to savor a cup of this richly flavored, aromatic, energizing tea.
-Enjoy it as a coffee alternative or as your tea time cupper with or without honey and milk.

天福茗茶 铁观音茶叶 安溪茶叶铁观音乌龙茶 250g 新茶

Good tea for the price point

250 g | $17.88

-Guaranteed pure:made with 100% whole loose leaf teas from self-owned tea gardens,so you can enjoy an all-natural cup
— something you can’t find in other off-tasting, chemical-filled oolong teas.
-Semi-fermented, combining the qualities of black (richer taste) and green (antioxidants benefits) teas.
-Toasted aroma with a sweet, strong, grain aftertaste.

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