

TenFu's TEA Official Tea Shop-Loose Leaf, Tea Bag, Teaware

天福茗茶 有情正山红茶 正宗武夷山小叶种红茶 100克装

Mellow and rich taste, with undertones of chocolate

100 g | $28.99

Lapsang Souchong is one of the most well-known Chinese black teas among world’s black teas from the vigorous mountain of Wuyi in Fujian. Dried longan or lychee sweet fruit taste in early infusions. Malt base flavor and cocoa with lingering fruit sweetness. Beautiful liquor color between burgundy and chardonnay. A must try Chinese black Tea.

天福茗茶 安溪茶叶铁观音 悠然 清香型乌龙茶

14-year brand star,sold over 4 million

104.5 g | $31.99

This premium anxi tieh kwan yin was launched in 2006, and has been highly sought after for 15 years. Tea leaves are picked in the birth place of tieh kwan yin - Anxi couty.After light roastery,the tea are packed with a delightful orchid aroma with a clean,sweet taste.

天福茗茶 悠然福鼎白牡丹白茶 散装罐装茶叶80g

Mellow and smooth,sweet in after taste

80 g | $31.99

-from Fuding: one of the first early Bai Mu Dan teaproduction
-soft and mellow sweet flavor without any trace of bitterness.
-It is pure tea, dried naturally, without any processing

天福茗茶 白毫茉莉花茶 花茶 花草茶 150G

1 catty tea made of about 4000 flowers

150 g | $29.99

-We scent fragrant, smooth green tea leaves 5 times with night-blooming jasmine to make this delicate tea.
-Combining the antioxidant power of green tea with the good mood enhancing properties of jasmine.
-Delight to look at, full of floral and sweet aromas.
-Enjoy our tea hot or iced, or use it to infuse sauces, syrups and baked goods!

天福茗茶 浓香型茉莉花茶 罐装散装茶叶绣球龙珠

Jasmine scented, well-balanced Jasmine taste

200 g | $41.99

-Early spring ultra-fresh green tea with premium jasmine flowers.
-Hand-rolled tender green tea leaves, and blended with 1,600 fragrant jasmine flowers. Over the course of a night, the flowers open and release their aroma into the tea, flavoring it and giving it the heady scent associated with the tea.
-Enjoy our tea hot or iced, or use it to infuse sauces, syrups and baked goods!

天福茗茶 绿茶龙井茶 正宗明前龙井茶 早春茶 100g

No code required,Tender, refreshing, no bitterness even over steeped

100 g | $56.99

A supreme, fresh green tea of one of China’s top famous teas picked in early spring 2021. A sweet, roasted chestnut flavour, and a light, floral, green-fresh taste.Plus it’s packed with all the energizing antioxidants and health benefits green tea is known for.

天福茗茶 大红袍 武夷山大红袍 乌龙茶 罐装

40 g | 低至 $19.99

Wuyi Mountain is one of the most famous tea production area that boasts premium oolong tea and black tea. The high-quality oolong tea produced from the Camellia sinensis tea plants that adapted to the rocky cliffs.Half-oxidized for a sweet,warm and rich taste,the characteristic mineral-rich flavor mellow into deep nuances of fruit or floral tones over time.Each steep palate produces a slightly different taste.

天福茗茶 武夷山小叶种红茶 工夫红茶 罐装70克 特产茶

Elegant Chinese design, smoky,rich and sweet

70 g | 低至 $19.99

-Great at breakfast or any time you need a lift.
-Bold, brisk, and flavorful this tea is delicious with milk and also great on its own.
-Guaranteed pure:made with 100% whole loose leaf teas from self-owned tea gardens,so you can enjoy an all-natural cup — something you can’t find in other off-tasting, chemical-filled black teas.

天福茗茶 小圆罐普洱茶 普洱茶云南大叶种普洱茶

There is no astringency, brisk and fresh sweetness.

65 g | 低至 $19.99

普埃茶是一种氧化茶。可根据氧化工艺合格为生茶和成熟茶。生茶是用传统方式氧化的。而成熟的茶增加了人工步骤,以加快 pu-erh 的老化和氧化。你可以认为普埃茶是葡萄酒,随着时间的推移味道更好。成熟的茶富含对消化、心脏健康和大脑健康有作用的茶。这导致成熟的茶更红褐色。不需要牛奶或蜂蜜,它几乎酒的特点使它成为一个独立的茶。味道醇厚而光滑,回味中甜味

天福茗茶 小方罐云南普洱茶熟茶散茶 罐装

Mellow and smooth,sweeteness in aftertaste

50 g | 低至 $18.99

可任意选择4个迷你罐头盒,并配有精美礼品袋。 这个小铁罐是我们有限的一个城市苏维埃系列产品——拉松苏冲红茶,罐上的照片是它在云南诞生的美丽风景。 茶叶直接取自正宗普洱地区义乌山,云南。它被压缩成饼状,在干净干燥的环境下储存了一年多,所以茶叶有一点金黄的味道颜色。那个随着年龄的增长,味道会更加醇厚时间。那个茶包是手工绘制的带有东方中国风格的民族装饰品,如孔雀等元素,寓意吉祥如意。品味微妙的美味,醇厚回味顺滑,甜美芳香泥土和木质的音符  

白牡丹白茶 30G 城市纪念品

30 g | $16.99

任何选择的4个迷你罐配合一个精致的礼品袋。 这里气候温暖,风景秀丽,艺术氛围浓浓,是古浪屿岛的特点。这牡丹白茶是专门为这个美丽的岛屿开发的,也是为了感谢来这里旅游的外国朋友。你不能带走迷人的鼓浪屿岛。你可以拿这个纪念品的礼物,回忆美丽的鼓浪屿岛的茶香。香气新鲜蜂蜜甜味与花卉和水果笔记酒淡金色  

天福茗茶 小方罐武夷正山红茶工夫红茶茶叶鼓浪屿伴手礼70g

Entry-level smoked black tea

70 g | 低至 $18.99

Lapsang Souchong is one of the most well-known Chinese black teas among world’s black teas from the vigorous mountain of Wuyi in Fujian.
Dried longan or lychee sweet fruit taste in early infusions. Malt base flavor and cocoa with lingering fruit sweetness.The perfect black tea to warm your winter.

天福茗茶小沱茶 普洱沱茶 云南熟茶普洱小沱茶80g

earthy and woody notes

80 g | $17.99

-Pick the mature leaves of the natural ancient tea trees area of ​Yunnan
-Subtle and savory.Mellow and smooth,sweeteness in aftertaste
-Long-lasting aroma and taste

天福茗茶 菊普小沱茶 菊花普洱熟茶云南普洱茶叶80g

Naturally sweet of the chamomile

80 g | $28.49

-A slight and floral aroma of chamomile with a woody and earthy flavor with notes of ripe pu-erh
-Ripe tea is rich in theaflavins which play role in digestion,heart health and brain health
-Mellow and smooth,sweeteness in aftertaste Mellow and smooth,sweeteness in aftertaste

天福茗茶 桂花乌龙茶 乌龙茶茶叶 桂花花茶 100克罐装

Sweet, mellow with a hint of orchid

104.5 g | $26.99

This Osmanthus Oolong is composed of oolong scented with freshly picked osmanthus flowers. Without artificial flavoring, the rich osmanthus floral flaovr is entirely natural. The osmanthus oolong tea concocts a perfect coupling of strong floral scent and the natural mellow taste of oolong tea.

天福茗茶武夷山大红袍茶叶乌龙茶 武夷岩茶散茶精品私房茶40g

40 g | $29.99

Wuyi Mountain is one of the most famous tea production area that boasts premium oolong tea and black tea.The high-quality oolong tea produced from the Camellia sinensis tea plants that adapted to the rocky cliffs.Half-oxidized for a sweet,warm and rich taste,the characteristic mineral-rich flavor mellow into deep nuances of fruit or floral tones over time.

天福茗茶 崂山绿茶春茶 山东青岛特产茶叶100G

100 g | $24.99

老山(老山)是位于中国山东省东南海岸线的一座山。它是山东省第二高山。它的山景和海景和谐共存。该地区的绿茶是通过用山泉水灌溉来种植的,只有嫩芽才被选作生产。煎至完美。叶子的形状是卷曲的,深绿色,带有淡淡的大豆香气。 香气炒豆酒黄绿色

天福茗茶 白牡丹小团饼福鼎白茶饼 紧压白茶 茶叶精美罐装96g

Floral,light and delicate smooth aroma

96 g | $25.99

-White Peony White Tea is an Chinese tea made from unopened buds and new tea leaves.
-Tast: Flowery, Mild, Sweet
-contains no additives, preservatives or colorants - simply naturally tea and positivi-tea

天福茗茶 茉莉花茶珍珠 广西鲜花窨制花草茶 工艺茶罐装

低至 $32.99


天然茉莉花龙珠 180G

180 g | $43.99

-Early spring ultra-fresh green tea with premium jasmine flowers.
-Hand-rolled tender green tea leaves, and blended with 1,200 fragrant jasmine flowers. Over the course of a night, the flowers open and release their aroma into the tea, flavoring it and giving it the heady scent associated with the tea.
-Enjoy our tea hot or iced, or use it to infuse sauces, syrups and baked goods!

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