* Use your Senses:
1. Hands: touch---dry leaf; infused leaf
2. Eyes: vision---shape of the dry leaf; liquor color and the degree of transparency; infused leaf
3. Nose: smell--- dry tea leaf scent; liquor fragrance; infused leaf aroma
4. Mouth: taste---thickness of the liquid, flavor and aroma
* The criteria for tea judging:
1.Appearance:the appearance of the tea leaf, color, the white hair on the buds, by-products, impurities
1.Appearance:the appearance of the tea leaf, color, the white hair on the buds, by-products, impurities
2.Liquor color: the color of the liquor and its brightness
3.Aroma: smell of the dry tea leaf, the hot liquor, and the infused leaf
4.Taste: thickness, fullness, mellowness. bitterness. freshness, pungency, astringency
5.Infused leaf:the extend of unfolding, integrity, color, thickness,degree of fermentation