

TenFu's TEA Official Tea Shop-Loose Leaf, Tea Bag, Teaware

2024 New tea Zhejiang Longjing tea 150G

150 g | $39.89

Longiing is a kind of green tea, which is mainly produced in Zhejiang Province on the east coast of China.Longjing tea is unfermented during production, preserving a high concentration of phenolic compounds, amino acids, and other nutrients. It exhibits properties such as heat-clearing and detoxification, blood pressure and fat reduction, brain refreshing and awakening, antioxidation and anti-radiation effects, making it widely favored.

天福茗茶玄鸟呈祥贡眉白茶 福鼎茶叶馈赠亲朋茶礼336g

Refreshingly smooth mouthfeel ,no astringency

336 g | $59.99$58.99

-The minimal processing and low oxdation results in low caffeine content and rich antioxidants
-Refreshingly smooth mouthfeel with a naturally sweet and honey-like tastes and no astringency.
-picks the tender bud and the second leaves on the branch as materials

白牡丹白茶 30G 城市纪念品

30 g | $16.99

任何选择的4个迷你罐配合一个精致的礼品袋。 这里气候温暖,风景秀丽,艺术氛围浓浓,是古浪屿岛的特点。这牡丹白茶是专门为这个美丽的岛屿开发的,也是为了感谢来这里旅游的外国朋友。你不能带走迷人的鼓浪屿岛。你可以拿这个纪念品的礼物,回忆美丽的鼓浪屿岛的茶香。香气新鲜蜂蜜甜味与花卉和水果笔记酒淡金色  

Bi Luo Chun Sichuan Specialty Green Tea 250g

250 g | $43.60

Use 5 grams at a time, enough to brew 50 times.The spring famous green tea leaves are used as raw materials. The shape is curled and uniform, the color is...

Combination of Tieguanyin or Longjing With Travel Cup with Filter

低至 $18.99

- Great-tasting with a fresh flavor, smooth taste and enticing aroma.Enjoy it as traditional hot tea or iced tea.-soft and mellow sweet flavor without any trace of bitterness.- tieh kwan...

2024 Zhejiang Anji Green Tea Anji Bai Cha 100G

100 g | $60.93

Anji white tea is a famous green tea.the"white" in its name refers to the rare tea tree whose tender leaves are all white. Also,the tea leaves will also appear in...

2024 Early Spring Longjing Classic Kraft Paper Packaging 200g

200 g | $68.56

Traditional kraft paper bag, large capacity family pack, a pack of 200 grams.Longjing tea is famous for it's fresh aroma, sweet, fresh taste, fresh green leaf base, and yellow-green soup...

天福茗茶 白毫银针福鼎原产白茶特级散装茶叶罐装50克

soft taste and refreshing aroma

45 g | $89.99

-This beautifully white tea consisting of fatty buds from the Fuding ‘bai cha’cultivar.
-The flavor and fragrance is delicate,light,fresh,and sweet.
-It is fleshy, bright colored and covered with tiny white hairs.

天福茗茶 白牡丹小团饼福鼎白茶饼 紧压白茶 茶叶精美罐装96g

Floral,light and delicate smooth aroma

96 g | $25.99

-White Peony White Tea is an Chinese tea made from unopened buds and new tea leaves.
-Tast: Flowery, Mild, Sweet
-contains no additives, preservatives or colorants - simply naturally tea and positivi-tea

天福茗茶 白牡丹小方块紧压白茶 福鼎白茶礼盒384G

Mellow and smooth,sweet in after taste

384 g | $99.50

-Each product has its own unique code that can be traced back to its origin.
-Mellow and smooth,sweet in after taste
-Select tender buds as material,it's compressed into independent mini bricks.

2024 First Flush Ming Qian Westlake Dragon Well Long Jing

100 g | $242.99

The West Lake lung ching (dragon well) green tea is most precious when picked in early season. It is hand-picked to ensure freshness from the first step of fabrication, and...

2024 Best Premium First Flush Ming Qian LongJing Green Tea

50 g | $58.30

Longjing tea takes buds and leaves as raw materials. It has the characteristics of fresh fragrance, delicious taste, fresh green leaf base and clear soup color.The earliest batch of tea...

2024 Yunnan Pekoe Snow Sprout Green Tea 100G

100 g | $39.89

Yunnan large leaf green tea has the advantages of heavy tea taste and more foam resistance. The tea taste is fresh, mellow and sweet, quick and lasting, and the aroma...

Baifu Fujian Fuding Gongmei White Tea Block Shape 150g

First flush.Sweet and smooth,no astringency

150 g | $35.99

-soft and mellow sweet flavor without any trace of bitterness.
-This is composed of tender tea a precious white tea,and is processed by a traditional technique.
-Production comes from authentic Fuding white tea

Supreme - White Peony Bai MuDan Tea


100% Whole Leaf Guarantee No fannings and dust 8 Self-owned Tea Garden Fresh sealed at source 1300+ Worldwide Stores 28years of crafting Fast Worldwide Shipping days.Worldwide delivery. Origin TenFu’s Fujian...

天福茗茶 峨嵋珍绿茶 四川高山绿茶叶 铁罐装100G

100 g | $89.49

Early spring green tea is picked before Qing Ming(on April 5th),this day divides the premium green tea because its rich natural nutrients,sugar and little yields.Zhu Ye Zhen is one of the...

天福茗茶 白牡丹小团饼 福鼎特产茶叶 私藏紧压白茶 礼盒装192克

Mellow and smooth,sweet in after taste

192 g | $53.99

-Made of young tea leaves and silvery unopened leaf buds from the Fujian province, China.
-Natural Antioxidants,Practically Calorie-free.
-The least processed of teas.Light, calming infusion with floral notes and delicate hints of peach.
-When stored properly, aged white tea will features fresh floral bouquet of roses and orchids, hint of ripe peach

天福茗茶 白牡丹正宗福鼎白茶

90 g | $50.99



300 g | $32.99


天福茗茶 明前四川绿茶 峨眉山茶叶 盒装120g

2023 first flush, hand-picked full bud green tea

120 g | $92.49


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