

TenFu's TEA Official Tea Shop-Loose Leaf, Tea Bag, Teaware

天福茗茶 913乌龙茶 茶叶 台湾高山茶 正宗冻顶乌龙 150G装

Fresh vegetal note, lingering sweet aftertaste

150 g | 低至 $43.99

913 Ginseng Oolong is made by letting semi-oxidized oolong tea obsorves the essence of ginseng to create a naturally sweetness that linger in your mouth for quite a while after swallowing - and drinking plain water afterwards might give you an unmistakably sweet taste.

天福茗茶 茉莉花茶新茶浓香型礼盒装

Chinese classic design,rich jasmine aroma

低至 $48.49

-We scent fragrant, smooth green tea leaves 5 times with night-blooming jasmine to make this delicate tea.
-Combining the antioxidant power of green tea with the good mood enhancing properties of jasmine.
-Delight to look at, full of floral and sweet aromas.
-Enjoy our tea hot or iced, or use it to infuse sauces, syrups and baked goods!

$65 Gift Card for $60

低至 $60.00

Limited Time Release:11.8-11.30 $65 Gift Card on sale for $60 $110 Gift Card on sale for $100 Use Gift Card,Get Free Sampler Before 9.21,for every puchase with gift card,we will give...

天福茗茶 新茶绿茶 四川峨眉山高山茶春茶 竹香绿茶明前100g

No code required,High-mountain, vegetal, refreshing

低至 $68.49

Hand-picked delicate tea buds from cool,misty high mountain Emei in early March, Zhu Ye Qing(Bamboo Green) is a rare pure bud green tea. Experience a grassy, mild aroma and vegetal,creamy taste that brings you instant spring serenity, with a clean,sweet finish

天福茗茶早春碧螺春四川峨眉高山绿茶 新茶100克

No code required,One of Top 10 famous Chinee teas

100 g | 低至 $68.99

As one of China's top 10 famous teas,Bi Luo Chun is famed for its full taste and rich aroma.The tea estate is surrounded by fruit trees creates Bi Luo Chun's famous fruity-floral flavor.
60 to 70 thousands buds can only make 500g of finished Bi Luo Chun.This tea is picked in the early spring, the tender tea leaves are coated in fluffy white hairs.

天福茗茶 峨嵋珍绿茶 四川高山绿茶叶 铁罐装100G

100 g | $89.49

Early spring green tea is picked before Qing Ming(on April 5th),this day divides the premium green tea because its rich natural nutrients,sugar and little yields.Zhu Ye Zhen is one of the...

天福茗茶 白毫银针福鼎原产白茶特级散装茶叶罐装50克

soft taste and refreshing aroma

45 g | $89.99

-This beautifully white tea consisting of fatty buds from the Fuding ‘bai cha’cultivar.
-The flavor and fragrance is delicate,light,fresh,and sweet.
-It is fleshy, bright colored and covered with tiny white hairs.

天福茗茶 浙江龙井茶 新茶铝罐装 绿茶春茶早春明前50g

No code required,Supreme,chest nut,sweet

50 g | $89.99

As one of the top 10 famous teas in China,Longjing tea features four characteristics:a vibrant green color, rich aroma, mellow taste and graceful shape,The ancients highly revered it"as sweet and fragrant as an orchid,as tasteless as water whilst as rich as all taste lingers in the mouth,the tastelessness turns out to be richness". Enjoying longjing tea is an art more than drinking a beverage; just as the compliment goes"It's beyond the appreciation of a painting and beyond the recitation of a poem".

Spring First Flush Longjing Tea - Dragon Well Green Tea Best Chinese Loose Leaf Green Tea

100 g | $92.06

A supreme, fresh green tea of one of China’s top famous teas picked in early spring2024. A sweet, roasted chestnut flavour, and a light, floral, green-fresh taste.Plus it’s packed with...

天福茗茶 明前四川绿茶 峨眉山茶叶 盒装120g

2023 first flush, hand-picked full bud green tea

120 g | $92.49



Mellow and smooth,sweeteness in aftertaste

486 g | $92.99

-Selected Yunnan ancient tea plants leaves as raw materials,Smoother taste
-Mellow and smooth,sweeteness in aftertaste
-it a delicious velvety taste with a deep woody-nutty aroma, followed by a mild aftertaste.

天福茗茶 广东新会小青柑普洱茶熟茶柑普茶散茶云南茶叶罐装250g

With nice and noticeable citrus flavor

250 g | $92.99

This Tangerine Peel Pu-Erh Tea is perfect for relieving coughs and sooth throat on cold autumn and winter days. If you're looking for a healthy, fruity tea with a citrusy aroma to clear up your cold days, look no further.

天福茗茶 私房茶正宗福鼎白茶白牡丹茶叶掰块散茶罐装礼盒装

Fresh honeyed sweetness with floral and fruit notes

150 g | $96.99

-Natural Antioxidants,Practically Calorie-free.
-The least processed of teas.Light, calming infusion with floral notes and delicate hints of peach.
-Each gift box consists of an elegant outside box and Chinese porcelain jar inside– perfect for anyone who loves a luxury brew.

天福茗茶 金骏眉红茶武夷山小种 特级茶送礼礼盒装200g 红茶茶礼

Elegant Chinese Carved Design

200 g | $96.99

This premium Chinese black tea gets its name because of the delicate and tender tea leaves with a hint of golden color resemble eyebrows. They are preciously picked : 10 thousands tea tips can just make 500 grams finised tea.
The gift box consists of an elegant Chinese paper-cut bag and Chinese carved box– Your best gift deliver happiness to your friend and family.

天福茗茶 白牡丹小方块紧压白茶 福鼎白茶礼盒384G

Mellow and smooth,sweet in after taste

384 g | $99.50

-Each product has its own unique code that can be traced back to its origin.
-Mellow and smooth,sweet in after taste
-Select tender buds as material,it's compressed into independent mini bricks.

天福茗茶 私房茶 武夷山金骏眉红茶 散装茶叶礼盒装

150 g | $106.99

Select the buds from only 1200-1500 meters above sea level. 3,400 to 4,500 buds to make one ounce of Jin Jun Mei.
Each gift box consists of an elegant outside box and Chinese porcelain jar inside– perfect for anyone who loves a luxury brew.

天福茗茶 悠然铁观音 安溪乌龙茶 节日送礼礼盒装500G

522.5 g | $115.00

这套礼品包含5个小礼品盒的畅销Anxi Fragrant Tieh Kwan Yin Oolong茶,每个盒子包括10个个人袋子。包裹在一个微妙的礼品盒和一个礼品袋,这是你名单上任何人的完美礼物。 新鲜挑选的优质茶叶,轻轻烘烤,保持其味道和香味。 味道很柔和,味道很顺畅,天然兰花香甜。 作为中国传统和体面的茶礼物,它继承了百年Tieguanyin冲浪品质。这套礼品包含五个优雅的盒子(每盒十包) )十福一直从源区--安西,福建省,中国直接采摘铁冠青茶叶。干叶下降粒子,整体形状像头酒类明亮的黄绿色

Purple Clay Teapot Single Pot Household Teapot


 Purple Clay Teapot Single Pot Household Teapot

天福茗茶813人参乌龙茶升级版 福建高山茶特级送礼茶叶罐装150g

150 g | $163.99

描述813 人参乌龙是由半氧化的乌龙茶将人参的精华,创造出一个自然甜的,在你喝了之后,在你的喉咙里徘徊。 我们是其中一个,如果不是最好的茶公司,知道如何把人参与乌龙结合在一个美妙的和谐之中。 阿罗马新鲜的花香,微妙的人参风味酒颜色鲜艳的橙黄色

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