

TenFu's TEA Official Tea Shop-Loose Leaf, Tea Bag, Teaware

天福茗茶 正山红茶 武夷山红茶茶叶礼盒装 150G

Fresh and foam resistant,Mellow

150 g | $24.99

-Great at breakfast or any time you need a lift.
-Bold, brisk, and flavorful this tea is delicious with milk and also great on its own.
-Guaranteed pure:made with 100% whole loose leaf teas from self-owned tea gardens,so you can enjoy an all-natural cup — something you can’t find in other off-tasting, chemical-filled black teas.

天福茗茶 金骏眉红茶茶叶 武夷山小叶种红茶罐装50g

Elegant Chinese design,high-end black tea

50 g | $29.99

This premium Chinese black tea gets its name because of the delicate and tender tea leaves with a hint of golden color resemble eyebrows. They are preciously picked : 10 thousands tea tips can just make 500 grams finised tea.
It's complex yet very balanced: smooth, sweet,malty, followed by an aftertaste that reveals the fine bud quality of the tea through a fruity scent of oranges.

天福茗茶 小方罐武夷正山红茶工夫红茶茶叶鼓浪屿伴手礼70g

Malty, smoky and rich.As low as $13 per tin

280 g | $58.49

Lapsang Souchong is one of the most well-known Chinese black teas among world’s black teas from the vigorous mountain of Wuyi in Fujian.
Dried longan or lychee sweet fruit taste in early infusions. Malt base flavor and cocoa with lingering fruit sweetness.The perfect black tea to warm your winter.

天福茗茶 武夷山小叶种红茶 工夫正山红茶礼袋装70克*4罐 茶礼

Chinese classical design,sweet,mellow

280 g | $58.99

100% Whole Leaf Guarantee No fannings and dust 8 Self-owned Tea Garden Fresh sealed at source 1300+ Worldwide Stores 28years of crafting Fast Worldwide Shipping days.Worldwide delivery. Origin TenFu’s Fujian...

天福茗茶 金骏眉红茶 特级正宗武夷山小叶种红茶 茶叶礼盒装220G

Festive Chinese style

220 g | $68.99

This premium Chinese black tea gets its name because of the delicate and tender tea leaves with a hint of golden color resemble eyebrows. They are preciously picked : 10 thousands tea tips can just make 500 grams finised tea.
It's complex yet very balanced: smooth, sweet,malty, followed by an aftertaste that reveals the fine bud quality of the tea through a fruity scent of oranges.

天福茗茶 金骏眉红茶武夷山小种 特级茶送礼礼盒装200g 红茶茶礼

Elegant Chinese Carved Design

200 g | $96.99

This premium Chinese black tea gets its name because of the delicate and tender tea leaves with a hint of golden color resemble eyebrows. They are preciously picked : 10 thousands tea tips can just make 500 grams finised tea.
The gift box consists of an elegant Chinese paper-cut bag and Chinese carved box– Your best gift deliver happiness to your friend and family.

天福茗茶 私房茶 武夷山金骏眉红茶 散装茶叶礼盒装

150 g | $106.99

Select the buds from only 1200-1500 meters above sea level. 3,400 to 4,500 buds to make one ounce of Jin Jun Mei.
Each gift box consists of an elegant outside box and Chinese porcelain jar inside– perfect for anyone who loves a luxury brew.

天福茗茶老树红茶滇红 大叶工夫红茶凤庆200g送礼

200 g | $165.49

Distinctive from small-leaf black teas,Yunnan Dian Hong Black tea selects big tea leaf with golden hairs.So it taste richer and bolder than other black teas.It has an floral,honey aroma with a slight toasted character.Its after-taste is highly enjoyable and long-lasting.


120 g | $264.00

Select the buds from only 1200-1500 meters above sea level. 3,400 to 4,500 buds to make one ounce of Jin Jun Mei.
Each gift box consists of an elegant outside box and Chinese porcelain jar inside– perfect for anyone who loves a luxury brew.

天府有丰富的优质红茶供您选择,包括云南红茶、福建拉桑苏冲红茶、金君梅红茶、祁门红茶克奎斯特 工艺  杰出的 在里面 两者兼而有之 外观  质量.
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