

TenFu's TEA Official Tea Shop-Loose Leaf, Tea Bag, Teaware

天福茗茶小沱茶 普洱沱茶 云南熟茶普洱小沱茶80g

earthy and woody notes

80 g | $17.99

-Pick the mature leaves of the natural ancient tea trees area of ​Yunnan
-Subtle and savory.Mellow and smooth,sweeteness in aftertaste
-Long-lasting aroma and taste

天福茗茶 玫瑰普洱小沱茶 玫瑰普洱熟茶云南普洱茶叶80g

Sweet floral note to the mellow earthy flavors

80 g | $17.99

-Subtle and savory.Mellow and smooth,sweeteness in aftertaste
-Natural sweet rose fragrance,earthy and woody notes
-Pu-Erh Tea is a black tea variety, which have powerful antioxidant properties

天福茗茶 普洱茶 熟茶醇厚陈香春芽 正宗云南特产茶叶

First flush.Mellow and smooth,sweeteness in aftertaste

250 g | $17.99

-Aged pu-erh tea boasts a deep bold body that is smooth & earthy with hints of malt.
-Morning afternoon or evening-it's always a perfect time to savor a cup of this richly flavored, aromatic, energizing tea.
-Enjoy it as a coffee alternative or as your tea time cupper with or without honey and milk.

天福茗茶 小方罐云南普洱茶熟茶散茶 罐装

Mellow and smooth,sweeteness in aftertaste

50 g | 低至 $18.99

可任意选择4个迷你罐头盒,并配有精美礼品袋。 这个小铁罐是我们有限的一个城市苏维埃系列产品——拉松苏冲红茶,罐上的照片是它在云南诞生的美丽风景。 茶叶直接取自正宗普洱地区义乌山,云南。它被压缩成饼状,在干净干燥的环境下储存了一年多,所以茶叶有一点金黄的味道颜色。那个随着年龄的增长,味道会更加醇厚时间。那个茶包是手工绘制的带有东方中国风格的民族装饰品,如孔雀等元素,寓意吉祥如意。品味微妙的美味,醇厚回味顺滑,甜美芳香泥土和木质的音符  

天福茗茶 菊花普洱袋泡茶普洱茶杭白菊组合调味茶饮36g

36 g | $19.99

Delicious and Healthy - Natural herbs infuse this pu-erh tea with their calming sweetly fruity scent combining the antioxidant power of pu-erh tea with the good mood enhancing.
Finest Quality- Natural herbs blended with whole loose leaf,no broken leaves and fannings.
Eco-conscious Tea Bag - Constructed of corn fiber paper. Free of dyes, adhesive, glue and chlorine bleach. No extra waste - just delicious tea!

天福茗茶 小圆罐普洱茶 普洱茶云南大叶种普洱茶

There is no astringency, brisk and fresh sweetness.

65 g | 低至 $19.99

普埃茶是一种氧化茶。可根据氧化工艺合格为生茶和成熟茶。生茶是用传统方式氧化的。而成熟的茶增加了人工步骤,以加快 pu-erh 的老化和氧化。你可以认为普埃茶是葡萄酒,随着时间的推移味道更好。成熟的茶富含对消化、心脏健康和大脑健康有作用的茶。这导致成熟的茶更红褐色。不需要牛奶或蜂蜜,它几乎酒的特点使它成为一个独立的茶。味道醇厚而光滑,回味中甜味

天福茗茶 普洱茶熟茶 云南大叶七子饼 陈年普洱

Yunnan ancient wild tree,weight control

327 g | $21.99

-Aged pu-erh tea boasts a deep bold body that is smooth & earthy with hints of malt.
-Morning afternoon or evening-it's always a perfect time to savor a cup of this richly flavored, aromatic, energizing tea.
-Enjoy it as a coffee alternative or as your tea time cupper with or without honey and milk.


Mellow,smooth,sweet in aftertaste

180 g | $24.99

-Pu-Erh Tea is a black tea variety, which have powerful antioxidant properties
-Mellow and smooth,sweeteness in aftertaste
-Full-bodied,The soup presented is rich in mahogany color

天福茗茶 菊普小沱茶 菊花普洱熟茶云南普洱茶叶80g

Naturally sweet of the chamomile

80 g | $28.49

-A slight and floral aroma of chamomile with a woody and earthy flavor with notes of ripe pu-erh
-Ripe tea is rich in theaflavins which play role in digestion,heart health and brain health
-Mellow and smooth,sweeteness in aftertaste Mellow and smooth,sweeteness in aftertaste

天福茗茶 普洱茶熟茶 云南大叶七子饼 陈年普洱茶

Tangy citrus flavor with woodsy and earthy notes

80 g | $28.99

-Pick the mature leaves of the natural ancient tea trees area of​ Yunnan
-Tangy citrus flavor with woodsy and earthy notes
-A perfect pairing, this tea is sweet and tangy. The fragrance from the peel is simply intoxicating

天福茗茶巍峨易武山普洱茶饼 熟茶饼熟普云南大叶种327g

Mellow earthy flavor with a woodsy aroma

327 g | $29.99

-Produced in Menghai County, Yunnan Province, China, the birthplace of authentic Pu'er tea
-Woodsy and earthy aged notes
-The soup presented is rich in mahogany color

天福茗茶 普洱茶 云南普洱熟茶 纯芽料陈年熟茶 罐装散茶叶

Subtle and savory.Mellow and smooth,

250 g | $29.99

-Aged pu-erh tea boasts a deep bold body that is smooth & earthy with hints of malt.
-Morning afternoon or evening-it's always a perfect time to savor a cup of this richly flavored, aromatic, energizing tea.
-Enjoy it as a coffee alternative or as your tea time cupper with or without honey and milk.

天福茗茶 糯香普洱小沱茶 云南茶叶糯米香普洱茶熟茶小粒装250g

Hugely aromatic sweet rice and popcorn

250 g | $37.99$36.99

-selects 3-year aged premium ripe pu erh tea scented with sticky rice.
-It's a natural herb flavor from Yunnan glutinous leaf rather than artificial additive.
-Mellow and smooth,sweeteness in aftertaste

天福茗茶 普洱熟饼茶 云南特产 布朗山茶区普洱茶熟饼

2-year aged,entry-level,weight control

327 g | $52.80

-Aged pu-erh tea boasts a deep bold body that is smooth & earthy with hints of malt.
-Morning afternoon or evening-it's always a perfect time to savor a cup of this richly flavored, aromatic, energizing tea.
-Enjoy it as a coffee alternative or as your tea time cupper with or without honey and milk.

天福茗茶 陈年普洱茶 普洱熟茶 云南纯芽料 茶叶罐装

Smooth taste, deep taste, woody nut aroma

250 g | $56.99

-Aged pu-erh tea boasts a deep bold body that is smooth & earthy with hints of malt.
-Morning afternoon or evening-it's always a perfect time to savor a cup of this richly flavored, aromatic, energizing tea.
-Enjoy it as a coffee alternative or as your tea time cupper with or without honey and milk.

天福茗茶 小圆罐普洱茶 普洱茶云南大叶种普洱茶 罐装260克礼袋装

woody-nutty aroma, followed by a mild aftertaste.

260 g | $58.99

100% Whole Leaf Guarantee No fannings and dust 8 Self-owned Tea Garden Fresh sealed at source 1300+ Worldwide Stores 28years of crafting Fast Worldwide Shipping days.Worldwide delivery. Origin TenFu Yunnan...

Yunnan Raw Pu-erh Tea Bingdao Dragon Ball

63 g | $63.89

-Pick the mature leaves of the natural ancient tea trees area of ​Yunnan
-Subtle and savory.Mellow and smooth,sweeteness in aftertaste
-Long-lasting aroma and taste

天福茗茶 小金砖普洱熟茶紧压茶 云南普洱小沱茶小砖茶礼盒384g

Subtle and savory.Mellow and smooth,sweeteness in aftertaste

384 g | $77.99

-Selected Yunnan ancient tea plants leaves as raw materials,Smoother taste
-Subtle and savory.Mellow and smooth,sweeteness in aftertaste
-With a hint of earthy and woody fragrance"

天福茗茶 广东新会小青柑普洱茶熟茶柑普茶散茶云南茶叶罐装250g

With nice and noticeable citrus flavor

250 g | $92.99

This Tangerine Peel Pu-Erh Tea is perfect for relieving coughs and sooth throat on cold autumn and winter days. If you're looking for a healthy, fruity tea with a citrusy aroma to clear up your cold days, look no further.

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