
80 美元以下礼品

TenFu's TEA Official Tea Shop-Loose Leaf, Tea Bag, Teaware

天福茗茶 大红袍 武夷山大红袍 乌龙茶 罐装

40 g | 低至 $19.99

Wuyi Mountain is one of the most famous tea production area that boasts premium oolong tea and black tea. The high-quality oolong tea produced from the Camellia sinensis tea plants that adapted to the rocky cliffs.Half-oxidized for a sweet,warm and rich taste,the characteristic mineral-rich flavor mellow into deep nuances of fruit or floral tones over time.Each steep palate produces a slightly different taste.

天福茗茶白毫茉莉花茶叶浓香型 广西贵港横县银毫茉香 花茶150g

30 count (pack of 1)

低至 $29.99

-We scent fragrant, smooth green tea leaves 5 times with night-blooming jasmine to make this delicate tea.
-Combining the antioxidant power of green tea with the good mood enhancing properties of jasmine.
-Delight to look at, full of floral and sweet aromas.
-Enjoy our tea hot or iced, or use it to infuse sauces, syrups and baked goods!

天福茗茶 茉莉花茶新茶浓香型礼盒装

Chinese classic design,rich jasmine aroma

低至 $48.49

-We scent fragrant, smooth green tea leaves 5 times with night-blooming jasmine to make this delicate tea.
-Combining the antioxidant power of green tea with the good mood enhancing properties of jasmine.
-Delight to look at, full of floral and sweet aromas.
-Enjoy our tea hot or iced, or use it to infuse sauces, syrups and baked goods!

2024 Supreme Early Spring Longjing Tea 100G

100 g | $50.66

Longjing tea is famous for its fresh aroma, sweet, fresh taste, fresh green leaf base, and yellow-green soup color.In Longjing tea, there are a lot of caffeine and theophylline and...

天福茗茶 白牡丹正宗福鼎白茶

90 g | $50.99


天福茗茶 工夫红茶 凤庆滇红茶 金丝云南滇红 秋茗赏茶叶礼盒装

Mellow and honey-scented

240 g | $51.99

Distinctive from small-leaf black teas,Yunnan Dian Hong Black tea selects big tea leaf with golden hairs.So it taste richer and bolder than other black teas.It has an floral,honey aroma with a slight toasted character.Its after-taste is highly enjoyable and long-lasting.

天福茗茶 普洱熟饼茶 云南特产 布朗山茶区普洱茶熟饼

2-year aged,entry-level,weight control

327 g | $52.80

-Aged pu-erh tea boasts a deep bold body that is smooth & earthy with hints of malt.
-Morning afternoon or evening-it's always a perfect time to savor a cup of this richly flavored, aromatic, energizing tea.
-Enjoy it as a coffee alternative or as your tea time cupper with or without honey and milk.

天福茗茶 正山小种红茶叶福建武夷山礼盒装茶叶

低至 $53.99

-Great at breakfast or any time you need a lift.
-Bold, brisk, and flavorful this tea is delicious with milk and also great on its own.
-Guaranteed pure:made with 100% whole loose leaf teas from self-owned tea gardens,so you can enjoy an all-natural cup — something you can’t find in other off-tasting, chemical-filled black teas.

天福茗茶 忘年贡眉紧压白茶 茶饼 福鼎特产茶 私藏茶礼盒装340g

Sweet, soft and smooth, with jujube and pekoe aroma

340 g | $53.99

-Made of young tea leaves and silvery unopened leaf buds from the Fujian province, China.
-Natural Antioxidants,Practically Calorie-free.
-The least processed of teas.Light, calming infusion with floral notes and delicate hints of peach.
-When stored properly, aged white tea will features fresh floral bouquet of roses and orchids, hint of ripe peach

天福茗茶 白牡丹小团饼 福鼎特产茶叶 私藏紧压白茶 礼盒装192克

Mellow and smooth,sweet in after taste

192 g | $53.99

-Made of young tea leaves and silvery unopened leaf buds from the Fujian province, China.
-Natural Antioxidants,Practically Calorie-free.
-The least processed of teas.Light, calming infusion with floral notes and delicate hints of peach.
-When stored properly, aged white tea will features fresh floral bouquet of roses and orchids, hint of ripe peach

天福茗茶 桂花乌龙茶茶叶 桂花花茶 礼盒送礼300克

300 g | $54.86

This Osmanthus Oolong is composed of oolong scented with freshly picked osmanthus flowers. Without artificial flavoring, the rich osmanthus floral flaovr is entirely natural.
Wrapped in an Chinese classic style gift bag, It's a perfect gift bring comfort and joy to all you loved(including you).

Guangxi Jasmine Pearl Green Tea

Rich jasmine fragrance

180 g | $54.99

-Early spring ultra-fresh green tea with premium jasmine flowers.
-Hand-rolled tender green tea leaves, and blended with 1,400 fragrant jasmine flowers. Over the course of a night, the flowers open and release their aroma into the tea, flavoring it and giving it the heady scent associated with the tea.
-Enjoy our tea hot or iced, or use it to infuse sauces, syrups and baked goods!

天福茗茶 绿茶龙井茶 正宗明前龙井茶 早春茶 100g

No code required,Tender, refreshing, no bitterness even over steeped

100 g | $56.99

A supreme, fresh green tea of one of China’s top famous teas picked in early spring 2021. A sweet, roasted chestnut flavour, and a light, floral, green-fresh taste.Plus it’s packed with all the energizing antioxidants and health benefits green tea is known for.

2024 Best Premium First Flush Ming Qian LongJing Green Tea

50 g | $58.30

Longjing tea takes buds and leaves as raw materials. It has the characteristics of fresh fragrance, delicious taste, fresh green leaf base and clear soup color.The earliest batch of tea...

天福茗茶 小圆罐铁观音 炭香铁观音福建乌龙茶罐装300克礼袋装

Traditional charcoal baked craft, tgy lovers should try

300 g | $58.49

100% Whole Leaf Guarantee No fannings and dust 8 Self-owned Tea Garden Fresh sealed at source 1300+ Worldwide Stores 28years of crafting Fast Worldwide Shipping days.Worldwide delivery. Origin TenFu’s Fujian...

天福茗茶 小方罐武夷正山红茶工夫红茶茶叶鼓浪屿伴手礼70g

Malty, smoky and rich.As low as $13 per tin

280 g | $58.49

Lapsang Souchong is one of the most well-known Chinese black teas among world’s black teas from the vigorous mountain of Wuyi in Fujian.
Dried longan or lychee sweet fruit taste in early infusions. Malt base flavor and cocoa with lingering fruit sweetness.The perfect black tea to warm your winter.

天福茗茶 茶叶小圆罐武夷山大红袍 乌龙茶 罐装160克礼袋装

Chinese classic design.As low as $15 per tin

160 g | $58.99

100% Whole Leaf Guarantee No fannings and dust 8 Self-owned Tea Garden Fresh sealed at source 1300+ Worldwide Stores 28years of crafting Fast Worldwide Shipping days.Worldwide delivery. Origin TenFu’s Fujian...

天福茗茶 武夷山小叶种红茶 工夫正山红茶礼袋装70克*4罐 茶礼

Chinese classical design,sweet,mellow

280 g | $58.99

100% Whole Leaf Guarantee No fannings and dust 8 Self-owned Tea Garden Fresh sealed at source 1300+ Worldwide Stores 28years of crafting Fast Worldwide Shipping days.Worldwide delivery. Origin TenFu’s Fujian...

天福茗茶玄鸟呈祥贡眉白茶 福鼎茶叶馈赠亲朋茶礼336g

Refreshingly smooth mouthfeel ,no astringency

336 g | $59.99$58.99

-The minimal processing and low oxdation results in low caffeine content and rich antioxidants
-Refreshingly smooth mouthfeel with a naturally sweet and honey-like tastes and no astringency.
-picks the tender bud and the second leaves on the branch as materials

Yunnan Raw Pu-erh Tea Bingdao Dragon Ball

63 g | $63.89

-Pick the mature leaves of the natural ancient tea trees area of ​Yunnan
-Subtle and savory.Mellow and smooth,sweeteness in aftertaste
-Long-lasting aroma and taste

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